12 July 2018 | Cristine Knight
Even the most minor of ‘bumper bashings’ can leave you shocked, confused and frightened but it’s vital to try and remain calm immediately after the impact and to assess the situation quickly and accurately. Here's our guide on how to handle even the most minor accident.
Car accidents, no matter how small, can be very traumatic. There's also a risk that, in all the confusion and panic, you may forget to follow some crucial steps which affect your insurance or road accident fund claim. The other risk, is that in a state of shock, you make a poor decision about things like towing your car or forget key information about the incident.
Accidents involving pedestrians are the most common accidents in South Africa. Here's a helpful article that will help you to prevent pedestrian accidents. This will prevent having to take any of the actions below.
Now while we call it a car accident because it is unplanned and certainly isn't something we hope for. Being prepared in case you get into an accident will help you keep a calm head and get through the steps you need to take if you do get caught in an accident.
Never fear! We've put together this handy checklist to help you keep a level head after a crash.
Follow these easy steps to ensure you get all the information you need so that you stay safe and have everything in order when it comes time to fill in your insurance claim.
Print this checklist out and keep it in your cubby hole in case of an accident. Hit the button below and we'll mail you a copy of this checklist so you can keep it nearby in case you need it.
In addition to the checklist above you could check out these 13 easy driving tips that could save your life.
If you found this checklist helpful, why not download our guide to safety on the road, this guide features handy advice on keeping your car well maintained so that your car is safe to drive.