17 October 2018 | Megan MacDonald
NaTIS is one of those important acronyms you might have heard about, but don’t really understand what it stands for. Find out why your NaTIS document is crucial to buying and keeping your car.
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 23 seconds.
Drivers licence? Check. Licence disk? Check. NaTIS document? Maybe this is one you haven’t heard of before, but your NaTIS document is just as important as all these other documents.
What is NaTIS document?

Essentially, a NaTIS document is your car’s birth certificate, but it’s not unusual for you never to have seen it or to even be aware it exists! NaTIS stands for National Traffic Information System. It is a vehicle registration certificate which is created when a vehicle is registered at any traffic and licensing department.
Vehicle registration documents used to be handed to the vehicle owner when the vehicle was registered, even if the vehicle was being financed by a bank or other financial institution.
Due an increase in fraud, a new licensing system was implemented in 1996 which meant that the vehicle registration certificate (NaTIS) would be in kept by the bank financing the car, until the owner of the vehicle paid it off.
Contents of a NaTIS document
This car registrationdocument includes the owner of the vehicle’s name, the name of the financial institution financing the car, and indicates that the financial institution is the titleholder of the vehicle.
In the new system, the registration document reflects not only the vehicle-owner’s name, it includes the name of the finance house or bank that is financing the vehicle, and refers to this institution as the vehicle’s titleholder. The NaTIS or registration document remains in the titleholder’s safekeeping while the vehicle is being financed. Without the document, no further change of ownership would be possible.
What is eNaTIS?
This is just the the electronic platform of the national administration traffic information system, where you can download forms, find your nearest service centre and find the latest news and updates for online NaTIS information.
Who keeps the NaTIS document?
If your car is financed, it will be kept by the financial institution for safekeeping while the vehicle remains financed by them, as they are the titleholder of the vehicle. Once you have paid off and settled your account, the document needs to be amended to show you as the owner and titleholder of the vehicle. You need to request this document from the current titleholder of the vehicle.
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How do I get the NaTIS document amended?
Within 21 days of receiving the NaTIS document from the bank or other financial institution, you need to visit the nearest traffic and licensing department. Bring along not only the original NaTIS certificate, but your ID and proof of residence as well.
You will fill in a Registration and Licensing of Motor Vehicle (RVL) form and be charged a fee that varies from province to province and the amended NaTIS document will be handed to you.
What should I do if the information on my NaTIS document is incorrect?
Any incorrect information on your car's registration document can be easily corrected, if you are the titleholder of the vehicle. Go to the licensing department and simply bring along your proof of residence and your ID to correct your NaTIS document.
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Renewing my licence registration disk
The licensing department will send the owner of the vehicle a reminder on annually renewing your licence disk, not the titleholder of the vehicle if your vehicle is being financed. You can download a Notification of Change of Address or Particulars of Person or Organisation (NCP) form on the eNaTIS website and complete it at home. Fortunately, you don’t need your NaTIS document with you for you to renew your licence disk.
You will still need to bring along a certified copy of your ID, your actual ID as well as proof of residence such as a utility account receipt. If you may still be living with your parents or another family member, be sure to bring along an affidavit declaring that you reside at the address, with the signature of the person whose name is on the utility account.
You don’t have very long to renew an expired licence disk. You’re given only 21 days, calculated from the expiry date of the current licence disk. Both cash and card payments will be accepted for the renewal fee. It's advisable to check with the department regarding the payment options offered onsite.
Company cars and licence disc renewals
If you’re driving a company car, you need to provide the business registration number as well as the physical and postal address of the company you work for. If your the fleet manager of your company, you will need the following to renew your fleet’s licences disks:
- The organisation’s business certificate.
- ID of proxy/representative.
- Letter of proxy.
- Motor vehicle licence renewal notice (MVL2). If you do not have the renewal notice or did not receive it in the post, download and complete the ALV1 form.
- Cash for the appropriate licencing fees
Never get caught out on the roads with an expired licence disk again with our free licence renewal reminders sent directly to your inbox.