Feelin’ the Suzuki Drive Vibes! | UPDATED

Estimated reading time: 4 minute, 21 seconds.

9 August 2022 | Megan MacDonald

Suzuki CelerioWe know that Suzuki cars evoke all sorts of magic emotions for different drivers, and we recently asked our Social Media Community about how they create their own Drive Vibe.

When it comes to Drive Vibes, Suzuki has them all!

The Suzuki Family is spread across the globe and the love for Suzuki cars runs deep. Every Suzuki has its own mood to match its driver’s personality, and every trip evokes a feeling. We recently asked our Suzuki Social Media Community what they love most about driving their Suzukis, the songs that make up their driving playlist, and their favourite things to do in the car.

There’s so much to love about driving a Suzuki! We admit we’re a little biased, but we certainly have the proof to back us up. Here’s what some of our Suzuki drivers love about driving their cars:

  • I was able to maintain 100km per hour on the freeway during the rain last week. My Jimny is slow, but I realised after a while that I was suddenly feeling like I was in a Porsche. The trick, I was in 4x4 high range so my traction was on point.
  • I love how safe I feel in my car. My Suzuki has great performance and offers all the right feels. Plus, it’s sexy. 
  • I love my Ignis for a few reasons. It has fast reaction times and can turn swiftly. It’s stable and sturdy on the road. It sounds great, outside and inside. It’s very spacious and comfortable. There’s a lot of boot space. It’s kept me safe on the road!
  • It's comfortable to drive, fuel-efficient, looks great, and has awesome extra features. The warranty is great and Suzuki offers excellent service. I’m very happy.

Like we said, driving a Suzuki is a vibe! 

When we asked our Suzuki Family what they love doing while driving, the answer that came up the most was listening to music, and we totally agree. The only thing that could make a Suzuki road trip better is the perfect playlist.

From Pop to Punk Rock, Gqom to Metal, Instrumental to Indie; our Suzuki driving playlists are as diverse as we are. We’ve spoken to Suzuki drivers across South Africa over the years to keep our Road Trip Playlist up to date and here are the most popular songs that have come up time and again: 

  1. Highway To Hell by ACDC
  2. SBCNCSLY by Black Coffee
  3. Go Your Own Way by  Fleetwood Mac
  4. Fela In Versace by Aka Ft. Kiddominant
  5. Hold Your Kite by Goldfish
  6. Bat Outta Hell by Meatloaf
  7. Crossroads by I Prevail
  8. Huku by Sho Madjozi
  9. Paradise City by Guns N Roses
  10. Throne by Bring Me The Horizon
  11. Don’t Stop Believing by Journey
  12. The Nights by Avicii
  13. Vir Ewig Jonk by Ray Dylan
  14. Venom by Eminem
  15. Impi by Johnny Clegg & Juluka
  16. All The Small Things by Blink182
  17. Pray For Me by Anthony Hamilton
  18. Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood
  19. Hall Of Fame by The Script & Will.I.Am
  20. Underclass Hero by Sum41
  21. Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo 


Besides listening to some great mood-matching music, here are some other things Suzuki drivers love doing while driving:

  • I love driving with my family and friends.
  • I love singing and even the occasional dance. 
  • I love spending time with good friends, talking about life, what we’re going through, and how we feel while we drive. It’s super therapeutic!
  • I love using my Suzuki’s infotainment centre to catch up on some admin and calls while I drive. 
  • My fondest memories growing up came from road trips, the early morning McDonald’s trips after a night out. 
  • I love driving alone, practising self-care by talking to myself, talking my problems out, and only my S-Presso knows.
  • On road trips, we occasionally play games such as spotting double numbers in a number plate, or how many trucks are on the road. For long-distance trips, we count the animals. 

You can’t go wrong with this ultimate guide to creating the Suzuki Drive Vibe. 

We’ve sung, laughed, cried, shouted, and more in the comfort of our cars. When we say a Suzuki is your best friend, we really mean it. We spend a fair amount of time in our cars so the vibes need to be on point. 

With the right feels, every drive will feel like the adventure of a lifetime.

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