How to get the most from a small engine | VIDEO

Estimated reading time: 2 minute, 34 seconds.

7 January 2017 | Brendon Carpenter

Ignis03 A Small engine can be the savvy choice, and with these driving tips you’ll get the most out of yours.

Fuel efficiency, a lighter car and a better price are three advantages of choosing a smaller engine over its heavier counterparts. Watch our video with Charl Grobler, the manager of marketing and product planning at Suzuki South Africa, to see the ‘how tos’ behind driving a small car to full capacity.



  • DON’T BE AFRAID OF REVVING You’re not going to damage the engine by revving it. Use the full extent of the rev range to get the most from the engine. I’m not condoning speeding but think of how racing-car-drivers use the full potential of the engine.
  • USE YOUR GEARS Change gears! It’s much more damaging to labour the engine by letting the car ‘warm up’ to third gear than driving it hard in second and changing when appropriate. Labouring in a high gear will cause more damage to your car than driving it in a lower gear.
  • SUZUKI’S HAVE FREE REVVING ENGINES The engines need to be used to their full capability
  • DON’T RIDE THE CLUTCH Modern cars are very sensitive, so even touching the clutch pedal will affect your engine. Literally only touch the pedal when you’re changing gears to keep your engine in tip-top shape.

So you see, a small car can be a really fun ride!

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