The love for Jimny runs deep in the Suzuki Family

The love for Jimny runs deep in the Suzuki Family

Posted by Megan MacDonald on 26 Oct 2020

The love for Jimny runs deep in the Suzuki Family Owning a Jimny comes with a sense of pride and inspires an adventurous streak! Some of us name our Jimnys, and to some, a Jimny is a natural extension of the family.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 55 seconds.


Do any of the following statements ring true for you?

  • You own an entire album (or folder) of Jimny pictures.
  • You and your Jimny go on adventures on the regular.
  • The two of you share a bond that no other car owner can understand.
  • When you see a Jimny on the road, you're likely to point and shout "Jimny!"

Recently, we teamed up with Front Runner to give away some Jimny accessories, and we opened up the floor to the Jimny enthusiasts out there to tell us their stories. Here are some of our highlights. Can you relate?

The winner of the competition, Tobie de Haas told us which Front Runner accessory he would choose for his next Jimny adventure (with Jimbob, his Jimny) and why he’d choose it:

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“How do you choose only one 😱!

The first accessory I've added when I got my Jimny (from the friendliest dealership I've ever been to - Suzuki Paarl) was the Front Runner Slimline 2 Roofrack, I quickly added the Pro Stainless Steel Camping Table, Front Runner Folding Chairs, Vertical Surfboard Mount & a bottle opener 🍻😉. The Front Runner build quality is excellent, and ordering their products online is super easy and you don't have to worry about what arrives on the back of the courier when you do your shopping with them.

If I had to choose only one accessory or accessories from Front Runner for the Jimny, the number one would have to be the Jimny Drawer Kit for additional storage! And space for my small 42L SnoMaster Camping Freezer. With the additional storage space, I would be able to go on more remote adventures. And then if I'm allowed to pick more than one accessory... I would get some recovery gear so I could help the big 4x4s get unstuck on my way to my adventure 😂 The shovel, axe and high-lift jack attachments are great for vehicle recovery and also adds a mean look to the Jimny. The Front Runner Awning is also a necessity providing additional shade. I don't think I'm sticking to the rules of the competition by choosing more than one accessory but these accessories would sure(sic) make going to the nearest grocery store an epic adventure!

Hope you enjoy my picture... I see plenty of Front Runner spare tyre braai grills on the road that are way too clean 😉. The picture was taken on 24th September 2020 on Heritage Day, hence the reason for the dirty grill on the back of my Jimny aka "Jimbob".”

Tobie was not the only Jimny enthusiast who sent us a story!

Here are some Jimny moments, just for you.

Sometimes a Jimny has to take a back seat to nature, but we don’t mind!

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Nick Botoulas sent us these gems from his Jimny adventures, and honestly, who doesn’t like a goodest doggo? We certainly give extra good boi points here!



Sometimes you and your Jimny go on the most scenic adventures as captured by Terence Parkin.

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And sometimes you and your Jimny tackle the rough terrain, as submitted by Jaydee Harper


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Want to experience the Jimny for yourself and join the Suzuki family? Why don’t you book a test drive today!

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