Why I love my Jimny | CUSTOMER REVIEW

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4 August 2020 | Hloniphile Mbele (Customer)

Why I love my JimnySince its introduction in 1970, the Suzuki Jimny has evolved into the beloved icon we know today. It's the perfect all-round vehicle. Hloniphile Nbhele spoke to us about why she loves her Jimny.

I’m a huge Suzuki fan. I previously drove a Celerio, which was fantastic; but I’ve always leaned toward the Jimny. There’s just something about the Jimny design – perhaps it's cool ‘personality’ – that has always appealed to me.

It was therefore with great excitement that I took delivery of my Jimny in January this year! It’s the latest version and has all the conveniences I need in a car. And it’s absolutely fantastic to drive, even better than I expected. It’s small enough to zip around town and shopping centres, but the height gives you a much better view than standard cars, which I love.

The interior packing space is a dream. I know the Jimny is small by traditional SUV standards (but that’s the point), and its size in no way diminishes its capability. Within a day I had already made myself ‘at home’ in my new car with the perfect spot for all my goodies, from my phone, water bottle and everything else.

Mine has a green exterior and black interior, which some friends have commented is a bit unconventional. My answer is always that the last thing a Jimny driver wants to be is ‘conventional’! I chose this car specifically because it stands out. I love the fact that I can instantly spot it in any parking lot, and when I do, I always get that warm feeling of familiarity. That’s why I chose the Jimny – we just clicked.

One of the things I love most about this car is its sturdy off-road design. I have always loved that type of car, and the Jimny looks tough and capable from any angle. I think the fact that it’s compact makes its design stand out even more. There’s no ‘wasted space’ – it’s just a tough and solid compact off-roader.

And it doesn’t only look capable, it really is. I’m an outdoorsy person, so I did a lot of research before buying my Jimny. I know it can handle itself off the beaten track.  Right after I got it I was actually driving up a hill (that I normally hate) – when I stopped at the light I remembered it has Hill Start Assist, so I took my feet off the pedals, and my Jimny didn’t budge. Amazing!

Sadly, with lockdown, I haven’t had the chance to go and explore in my new Jimny, but I promise to let you know as soon as we do our first proper off-road trip! I did, however, do a short road trip between Gauteng and Durban, and I think I fell even more in love! My Jimny is fantastic on the open road and incredibly comfortable, and it didn’t even flinch when we hit roads that need more than a little maintenance.

I know I’m going to have many adventures in my Jimny, and with every kilometre, I love it a little bit more, if that’s even possible!

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