Suzuki South Africa Blog & Insights

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Suzuki’s announces a micro-plastic collecting device for outboards

Suzuki’s announces a micro-plastic collecting device for outboards

02 Nov 2020
Megan MacDonald

One of the greatest environmental challenges facing our planet is plastic waste. Suzuki Motor Corporation has come up with an innovative way of...

What to do if your car is trapped in a flash flood [UPDATED]

What to do if your car is trapped in a flash flood [UPDATED]

10 Dec 2019
Megan MacDonald

Flash floods are unpredictable, fast and deadly - but there are ways to stay safe if you find yourself caught in the middle of one.

5 Ways to avoid most smash & grabs

5 Ways to avoid most smash & grabs

15 Oct 2019
Megan MacDonald

We all do our best to prevent becoming victims of crime, but unfortunately, the reality of smash and grabs is prevalent in our country. If you...

What You Need To Know About Suzuki Roadside Assistance

What You Need To Know About Suzuki Roadside Assistance

09 Oct 2019
David Anders

Safety, security, and peace of mind are the primary drivers behind the Suzuki Roadside Assistance package that provides owners with a wide variety of...

6 ways to avoid most car accidents

6 ways to avoid most car accidents

29 Sep 2019
Megan MacDonald

There are simple tactics you can take note of that can help you avoid most accidents, whether fender-benders or fatal crashes. While there are many...

The best part of being in the Suzuki family [customer stories]

The best part of being in the Suzuki family [customer stories]

26 Jun 2019
David Anders

There’s nothing better than owning a Suzuki car, especially if you immerse yourself in all the fun ways to enjoy the absolute best out of your...

Myth busting: what makes a car safe

Myth busting: what makes a car safe

19 Apr 2019
Megan MacDonald

Safety is one of the biggest talking points when it comes to South African roads, but there seems to be a lot of debate around which safety features...

Demystifying the safety rating – and what that means for SA [Update]

Demystifying the safety rating – and what that means for SA [Update]

19 Mar 2019
Brendon Carpenter

The European New Car Assessment Programme (EuroNCAP) is widely recognised as the final word on vehicle safety. But before you refuse to test drive a...

7 ways to drive safer at night [UPDATED]

7 ways to drive safer at night [UPDATED]

24 Jan 2019
Megan MacDonald

We don’t mean to sound negative, but the reality is that driving is still one of the most dangerous things you can do. And at night, it becomes even...

Car emergency 101 kit | Infographic

Car emergency 101 kit | Infographic

06 Mar 2018
Charl Grobler

Whether you drive 5km a day or 50km, keeping an updated emergency kit in your car can be a life-saving decision.

What your warning lights mean [infographic]

What your warning lights mean [infographic]

01 Feb 2018
Megan MacDonald

All cars have unique aspects, but thankfully warning lights have gradually standardised across most brands. Here’s what some of the most important...

What to do if your car overheats [infographic]

What to do if your car overheats [infographic]

22 Jan 2018
Brendon Carpenter

Summer’s here and with it comes dozens of cars pulled over in the emergency lane, overheating in the afternoon traffic. Here’s how you can avoid...

How to change a tyre [infographic]

How to change a tyre [infographic]

15 Jan 2018
Brendon Carpenter

Never changed a tyre? Don’t panic, it’s not as hard as it sounds. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you safely change a flat tyre by yourself.

11 anti-hijacking tips you need to send to your family

11 anti-hijacking tips you need to send to your family

04 Jan 2018
Megan MacDonald

Hijacking is a very real and dangerous possibility in South Africa, and the risk only increases over the holiday season. Share these tips with your...

Are you driving a death trap? [quiz]

Are you driving a death trap? [quiz]

27 Oct 2017
Megan MacDonald

When you get behind the wheel of your car, you want to be confident that your baby will carry you safely from point A to point B. Here’s a quiz to...

How your car keeps you safe

How your car keeps you safe

19 Oct 2017
Brendon Carpenter

Car safety has improved in leaps and bounds over the past few decades. Take a look at some of the ways that your car keeps you safe in the event of a...